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Start of Summer

Summer Time Fun!

Each summer starts out the same way(a paraphrase of multiple conversations leading up to the end of school): 
Me: What do you guys hope to do this summer?
Mr: I don't know.
Little(now Bigger): Something sports related.
Then I rattle off about 30 things I hope to get'er done, but then after 60 days of sun, totally forget about.  If only I had a LIST (yes. because I love my lists).  Wait - I make lists, oodles and oodles of lists, but then I lose them!  This laundry list needed to be out in the open if I wanted to actually finish everything I wanted.  
Last week, we sat down as a family and created activities to accomplish this summer. Instead of focusing only on trips which cost moolah, we also thought of things to do that fall into: Free Outdoor, Free Indoor, Crafty, and Food Related.

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